
Before anyone starts saying,"Oh gosh,a religious propaganda." I just want to say...if read closely,you will notice that the summary of it all,is the same in all religions.

I'm thankful for everything that I have in my life,be it my diseases,wealth,health or life.Its taken a lot to come to a point in my life when I don't cry over it but I'm grateful as this is what is intended to be and al Hamdullilah ,I'm happy for everything.

Many of us take things for granted either ways.Whether we are blessed,have no problems and therefore,forget to be thankful as we assume ,its all because of our luck,our brain and our doing .But it isn't!There is a supreme being who does things we cant explain.Its actually how you have your take on certain situations.Some of us feel we are have been cursed and what not and sometimes ,if you think of it from a different perspective,its all happening for your own good.It may take a few hours,days or years to realise it but something good always comes of the tough choices we make as human beings in our life.

I have one or the other health issue popping up at times and people feel bad for me.They thing its the evil eye or I don't pray enough or do charity enough or ain't good enough or it being pure bad luck.But it isn't ! If didn't feel a certain pain,if I hadn't been diagnosed during a routine check up,God knows,what things would be going bad in my body while I made merry and sailed through life.

Surgery,tons of medications,falling ill...its all there for a reason.God is giving us a chance to care for this precious soul he made and providing us with medicines.He wants us to say his name and in the end of it all,be thankful for our graces.I say I take 10 tablets a day and people go," Ah you poor thing ! Don't worry,it will go away." I say it was caught on time and taken care of.Al hamdullilah.

The bottom part I found on some site and its a beautiful message.Take what it means out of it and find eternal peace of mind and bliss in your day to day life.Ameen.
A man once approached a wise sage complaining of poverty. The sage asked him: “Would you sell me your eyesight for 100 thousand gold coins?” The man said no. The sage continued: “Would you sell me your hearing for 100 thousand gold coins?” The man again said no. The sage then asked the man about his hands, his feet, his sanity, and his other limbs. To each question the man replied that he would not sell. The sage then pointed out to the man that he had valued himself to the tune of a few million gold coins.

The sage then declared: “You have a great debt upon your shoulders. This great wealth you possess places demands on you. When are you going to show thanks? Instead, you complain that you want more. Your Lord is truly forgiving and generous.”

A person who is free from worry, secure in home and health, takes greater
pleasure in food and drink and life in general. The simple everyday enjoyments are savored, like time spent with one’s spouse or children and in partaking of even the simplest meals. The happy atmosphere that comes from being relaxed, feeling safe, and having one’s health makes one’s enjoyments all the greater.

By contrast, if someone possesses a variety of food and drink and wealth in abundance, but lives in a constant state of fear, anxiety, and stress, what that person possesses will be of little real value. The same can be said for a person who is stricken with a serious physical or mental illness.

This is why the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever is secure in his home, has his health and enough provisions for a day, it is as if he has everything in the world.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhi (2346) and Sunan Ibn Majah (4141)]

It is a great blessing to have enough food, clothing, and shelter to satisfy one’s needs. There is nothing wrong with desiring more than that, as long as one seeks it by lawful means, since Allah apportions His bounty among His creatures as He pleases. Some people are better off being wealthy. If Allah gives them wealth, they spend a portion of it on the poor and needy. Moreover, they feel humble before Allah in recognition of what He has given them.

We should never forget that Allah provides us with our health, our minds, our food and drink, our children, our good appearances, our strength, our vitality in youth and our good sense. Many of us take these blessings for granted and fail to recognize them as Allah’s gifts. Only those whose hearts are alive with faith recognize the blessings in everyday things. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“Allah is pleased with a servant who praises Him when he eats something and praises Him when he has something to drink.” [Sahih Muslim (2734)]

We show our thanks to Allah for all of His blessings when we praise Him. Is it a small thing to have your health and strength? Is it a small thing to live assured of enough food and drink, a home to live in, clothes to wear, and the means to get around?

” Glorified be He who has subdued these unto us, and we were not capable (of subduing them); and surely to our Lord we must return.” [Surah al-Zukhruf: 13-14]

The water we drink, the air we breathe, the ears we hear with, the eyes that allow us to see, the minds we reason with, the hearts by which we feel – these are all enjoyments that Allah provides for us, whether we realize it or not. We should make ourselves aware of this fact, thank Allah, and avoid ingratitude. When we show thanks for Allah’s blessings, they grow stronger in our lives. When we are ungrateful, those blessings abandon us. Allah tells us: “…proclaim the favor of your Lord.” [Surah al-Duha: 11]

One of the best things Allah can provide us with is a contented heart. We are also blessed immensely if we have stability in our lives, harmony in our homes, and peace in our hearts.


  1. true, the essence is the same and it is the thought that matters. contentment itself sometimes feels like a blessing from the Lord because most of us are always going behind something/someone


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