Outward beauty !

I was wearing my dental clips yesterday night and since they have wires protruding out a bit,I tend to get a pout.It then got me thinking about this topic today.

From where did this fashion of pouty lips begin? Babies breastfeeding or bottle feeding usually have a pouty mouth because of the suckling fashion,how can it be a fashion statement ! I see women filling their lips with fat,some go too far ahead and literally have their upper lip sticking out.This woman who gave birth to octopulets in the US,don't remember her name,she has the strangest mouth ever.It seems very clear that she had that flapper altered by surgery.The cosmetic surgeons always tell on shows,that they have patients coming into the clinics and asking for a Lopez Ass,Angelina mouth,breast augmentations and enlargements,liposuction,lifts of all kinds for all body parts,toe shortenings,ear pinning,you can even have permanent makeup done on your face,namely tattooed eyebrows or lip color or eye liners,etc.

On one hand we talk about remaining true to our body and spirit and on the other almost 60% of the total population has something enhanced or changed purely in the name of beauty.Are people so insecure now or has the concept of beauty become so hardcore,that anything not stipulated in its list,is ugly !

I don't condemn anything,everyone has a right to their own fashion statements but beyond a point it looks plain stupid.You can spot their esteem hanging on by a thread and some of them grows egos as big as supernovas.I guess when you develop self confidence after a long time,you find it difficult to shake it off even when its all over somebodys face.

Not wanting to sound like a hypocrite,I do wear dental clips to keep my teeth aligned otherwise in time they look like buck teeth.I wear contact lens because every now and then ,I like to see my face in the mirror without the glasses.I color my hair every now and then coz I have had white strands since I was 8 yrs old.I pluck my eye brows  and upper lip.This too, I guess, counts for something.Or is there a difference between enhancing and changing dramatically by going under the knife.


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