
I decided to begin 2012 with a healthy note.Now I love oranges.They are a staple in my life.It all began when we were toddlers.My dad wanted us to be healthy,prevent us from nose bleeds because of the intense summers and heaty foods,like so many parents do,so they gave a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice our whole life,everyday that is until we got married and left our nest.Every morning it began with a glass of the holy juice,even before we brushed our teeth.Out of the 3,I was the fussier one and had to be beaten at times,to make me finish a glass of it.I would cry swearing they actually added salt into the juice to make it taste so bitter.How come it didn't taste like sunkist or the juices available in the market?

For a long time,I would just hope that juice wouldn't be squeezed.That my dad would wake up late.Then I got married and ever since the day,I would think of the one thing I never wanted to do.Orange juice.To such and extent,I started buying oranges and buying fresh ones off the store.8 years now and I drink orange like water.Maybe I miss my dad so much that its become like this thing I do in his honor.Every time I drink it,I always think of him and I'm so glad for it.Those were great times.

Anyways,I have been eating clementines for a couple of days and I thought why not put forward some uses of the orange peel.They smell divine and why waste them.So I found some uses of it online.Eating the fruit is beneficial for the vitamin C content.Of course,there are others fruits which have far more Vita C but this is all about the oranges.

1. Puree the orange peel in water to make a spray that will discourage ants from crossing.

2. Flies and mosquitoes don't like orange either. Small piles of zest will help discourage these pests without the use of pesticides! This could really come in handy on a picnic.

3. Simmer peels in water, add a pinch or two of cloves and a cinnamon stick for a wonderful fragrance for your home. Actually, this will help clean the air from airborne cold and flu germs! I do this through the entire winter season!

4. Dried orange peels can be placed in a cloth bag and placed in closets and cupboards to reduce musty odors.

5. A puree blend of orange peel and water can be applied to an area to discourage ants from crossing.

6. Hand moisturizer. Turn the orange inside out and rub the inner part all over your hands for 1-2 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Your hands will smell soooo good after this!
7. Kitchen decor and air freshener. Place the orange peel in a tall glass and leave on the kitchen window sill. It’s a great ‘all natural’ decor and freshens up the room too.As pot pourri.

8. The peels are candied or used as sweeteners in cake or added to sugar syrups.


  1. Those are some wonderful tips I can use...Thanks for jotting it down:)

  2. nice tips
    i needed something to tackle these ants that are attacking my potted plants. this should help

    btw, i like that "heaty foods"

  3. i too love oranges...i prefer eating whole oranges instead of juice were really new to me...i will try them out..kudos! nice post! :)


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