Hair Fall

I have an auto immune problem and take a bunch of medications that make my hair fall every now and then,plus even seasonal changes cause hair fall.
No that's not my picture below but I have tons of friends who are losing their crowning glory,including me and that's the reason I was checking few sites out.

My own regimen is basically very simple.I oil my hair regularly with coconut oil and almond oil alternatively.I oil twice a week at night and wash it off the next day.I shampoo every 2 days to clean my scalp and avoid dandruff.But nonetheless,bad water,medications and anaemia have done their damage to my hair.I never had thick hair to begin with but its naturally wavy,so one cannot see how thin it is.But I tend to sweat a lot on my head and never leave my hair open coz its pretty irritating to have hair fall over my face when I'm cooking or working.

Some Hair trivia you should be aware of :

A Surprising Side Effect

Among the medications that list hair loss as a side effect are anti clotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and drugs for menopause, birth control, and antibiotics. Usually, hair grows back when the medication is stopped, but may not in some cases.

Traction Alopecia Damages Follicles

Pulling hair too tight -- as can happen with ponytails, braids, and cornrows -- can damage hair follicles and cause hair to break or fall out. Hair extensions and hairpieces can sometimes cause traction alopecia, too, because their extra weight pulls on existing hair. Changing your hairstyle usually lets hair grow back. Pulling hair back tightly for a long time, though, can lead to permanent hair loss.

Premature Gray Hair Is Genetic

Going gray isn't always related to aging. If you're not yet 40 and see more than a few gray hairs, chances are it runs in your family. Gray usually isn't a sign of poor health, though anemia, thyroid issues, vitamin B-12 deficiency, and vitiligo can cause premature graying. You can highlight or color hair to cover the gray, but beware: some people are sensitive to the dye's chemicals. The result could be an itchy, burning scalp.

A Hair- and Heart-Healthy Diet

Help keep hair shiny by eating salmon and walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids; spinach and carrots for vitamin A; brazil nuts for selenium; and oysters and cashews for zinc. All help maintain scalp and hair health, as do low-fat dairy, whole grains, and vegetables. Double the results: foods good for your hair are also good for your heart.

Female-Pattern Baldness

Hair loss in women tends to mean hair thinning all over the head. Unlike men, women rarely go bald, and they tend to lose hair more slowly than men do. Contrary to popular belief, longer hair won't put a strain on the roots, causing more to fall out. Nor will shampooing pull hair out -- it just gets the ones that were falling out already. Minoxidil may help hair growth and prevent thinning.

There are a wide range of conditions that can bring on hair loss, with some of the most common being pregnancy, thyroid disorders, and anemia. Others include autoimmune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and skin conditions such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis, Rogers says.

Though there has been a link between menopause and hair loss, Roberts says she doesn’t think there is a direct correlation. It could be that menopause and hair loss just occur at the same age.

Other reasons for hair loss include extreme stress; physical trauma like surgery or intense illness; dramatic weight loss over a short period of time; and taking too much Vitamin A, Roberts says. And hair loss can occur a couple of weeks to six months after any of these experiences.

Genes Cause 90% of Male Hair Loss

Though hereditary, the trait may be more influenced by your mother's family than your father's. So a look at your maternal grandfather's locks may give you a better clue about the future of yours. Male pattern baldness often starts with receding hair at the temples, then on the crown, leaving a horseshoe-shaped ring of hair around the sides of the head. Medications to slow hair loss include Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride).

Tips for Dandruff Treatment

To decrease the buildup of dandruff's dead skin cells, try using an anti dandruff shampoo daily. Leave shampoo on for 5 minutes, then rinse well. You may need to try several dandruff shampoos to find one that works best for you. If one stops working, try another. If that doesn't help, call your doctor

Make a habit:

Do not wash your hair with too much hot water.

Do not wash your hair more than 2 times in a week. If you use any shampoo, use only a mild shampoo.

Do not comb the hair backwards. Use a good quality brush/comb. Avoid excessive brushing.

Massage the scalp vigorously for 10 to 15 minutes (until you start to feel hot there) after bathing it with water. This stimulates the blood circulation and strengthens the hair follicles in the scalp and prevent hair loss.

Coconut oil and Castor are very good for hair. Boil dry pieces of amla (Indian goose berry) in coconut oil and apply on hair.

Massage into the scalp and hair with coconut milk or Aloe Vera gel. Leave it for 1/2 hour, then rinse with warm water. Repeat 3 times a week.

Massage into the scalp and hair honey with egg yolk. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then rinse.

Massage almond oil on scalp 2-3 times a day, daily. This will stop further hair loss.

Rinse hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea to help hair grow

Grind half a cup of black dal lentil with one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds (dana methi) to a coarse powder. Mix well half a cup of yogurt into the powder and message over the scalp. Leave for 2 hours then rinse.

Mix equal amount of warm castor and almond oil and massage over scalp at least once a week.

Make a hair pack by mixing amla (Indian goose berry) powder with one egg. Apply it to your hair and leave for half an hour. Wash hair.

Grind lime seeds and black pepper in equal number in some water and apply on the scalp regularly.

Place raw mango pulp in some oil for a year. Massage this oil on the scalp frequently.
Apply a mixture of Aloe Vera with herbal powder triphala to the hair for a period of three to six months. This will promote growth.

Apply juice of coriander leaves on the head.

Mix soaked fenugreek seeds (Dana methi), shikakai powder, reetha powder, amla powder, dried lemon or lime peels, and two eggs, and grind to make a paste. Massage this paste onto hair and scalp and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. This is good for making hair thick.

Boil 1 cup mustard oil with 4 tablespoon henna (mehandi) leaves. Filter and bottle. Massage on the scalp regularly. It is very good for hair growth.

Make a paste by grinding fenugreek seeds with water. Massage on the scalp after oiling the hair and leave it for one hour before washing. Repeat it every morning for a month.

Make a paste by mixing two eggs, two tablespoons each of amla, reetha and shikakai powder. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. Repeat it for 3-4 times a week.

Mix 1 egg, 2.5 tablespoons milk powder and 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo.


Make a shampoo by mixing 100 g each of amla (Indian goose berry), reetha, and shikakai and boil in two liters of water until the liquid reduces to half. Use this shampoo for your hair for at least one month. Your hair will become thick.

Foods To Prevent Hair Loss

Eat a protein rich diet including green leafy vegetables, carrots, soybean, mango, dried apricots, whole grain cereals, sprouts, lentils, yeast, wheat germ, milk, yogurt (curd), and buttermilk in the daily diet.

Eat foods rich in vitamin A and iodine such as carrots, spinach, cabbage, turnips, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts, etc.

Drink 1 teaspoon cider vinegar mixed in 1 glass of water with meals for 2-3 weeks.

Drink a banana smoothie made with banana, honey, yogurt, and skim milk.

Drink daily a juice of alfalfa + fresh spinach or fresh coriander. Your hair will grow fast.

Drink half a litre of a mixture of lettuce and spinach juice daily to increase the growth of hair.

To remove copper deficiency, drink juice of carrot, lettuce, capsicum and fresh alfalfa. This is good remedy for gray hair and hair loss.
Which Oil is Best For Your Hair?

Most Indians use coconut oil as it has a cooling effect on the head. Releasing heat is essential for maintaining the beauty of the hair as it weakens the roots. There are many commercial varieties of coconut oil available in the market but it is a good idea to identify a pure organic product as chemicals and preservatives invariably alter the cooling quality of coconut oil. If you are looking to address a specific hair issue then you might want to consider an Ayurvedic hair oil. Amla oil is used to maintain natural hair color and prevent premature graying; Bhringhraj oil is considered to be one of the best products for hair loss.


  1. hey u have enabled comment moderation? how come? it says comment will be visible after blog owner approval

  2. actually,I received a few of these comments in spam..those hideous obscene ads,,,I worry...thats why I put comment moderation.

  3. read many article, but this is really worth. thanks for sharing.
    Hair clinic in Bangalore


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