
You must be wondering what the heck has she written about urine.Is it one the tests she had taken or some disease.

Actually yesterday some friend of my husband told him that eating camel meat stew is beneficial for people with muscle and bone problems and that very soon he would make me feast on it.I personally love camel meat,its tastier,lighter than beef,its just a beautiful meat but its a little more time to cook than the normal meat.So I thought why not find out the benefits of camel meat and while doing so,came across this article about camel urine benefits.

Don't go yuck people,I think in India,people bathe in cow urine when they have some skin infection.My brother and I did this as very small kids.We had been on a holiday to India and developed some skin eczema or chicken pox or as usual my granny said try this as well when the western medications failed.I know camel meat may not be available in India as commonly as out here but there is nothing wrong in knowing the benefits of something.

So here I go :

With regard to the health benefits of drinking the milk and urine of camels, they are many, and they are well known to the earlier generations of medical science and they have been proven by modern scientific research.

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

The author of al-Qanoon (the Canon) – i.e. the doctor Ibn Seena (Avicenna) – said:

The most beneficial of urine is the urine of Bedouin camels which are called najeeb.

In the Emirati newspaper al-Ittihaad (5 February 2006) it says:

One of the most important things for which camels are raised is their milk, which is efficacious in treating many illnesses, including hepatitis, and the digestive system in general, various types of cancer and other diseases.

There follows some of what was said in the article by Dr. Ahlaam, which was published in al-Da’wah magazine, 15 April 2004 :

Camel’s urine is efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases such as ringworm, tinea and abscesses, sores that may appear on the body and hair, and dry and wet ulcers.

Camel’s urine brings the secondary benefits of making the hair lustrous and thick, and removing dandruff from the scalp.

Camel’s milk is also beneficial in treating hepatitis, even if it has reached an advanced stage where medicine is unable to treat it.

Camel’s urine is also efficacious in the treatment of swelling of the liver and other diseases such as abscesses, sores that appear on the body and toothache, and for washing eyes.
Camel’s urine is beneficial in treating al-hazaaz, and it was said that al-hazzaz is a pain in the heart caused by anger and so on.

Camel’s urine, especially the urine of a young she-camel – is used as a cleansing substance to wash wounds and sores, to make the hair grow, to strengthen and thicken it and to prevent it falling out, and it is used to treat diseases of the scalp and dandruff.

In a Master’s thesis by an engineer in applied chemistry, Muhammad Awhaaj Muhammad, says:

Laboratory tests indicate that camel’s urine contains high levels of potassium, albuminous proteins, and small amounts of uric acid, sodium and creatine.

In this study, he explained that what prompted him to study the medicinal properties of camel’s urine was what he had seen of some tribesmen drinking this urine whenever they suffered digestion problems. He sought the help of some doctors in studying camel’s urine. They brought a number of patients and prescribed this urine for them, for a period of two months. Their bodies recovered from what they had been suffering from, which proves the efficacy of camel’s urine in treating some diseases of the digestive system.

Camel’s urine acts as a slow-acting diuretic, but it does not deplete potassium and other salts as other diuretics do, because camel’s urine contains a high level of potassium and proteins.

It has also been proven to be effective against some types of bacteria and viruses. It brought about an improvement in the condition of twenty-five patients who used camel’s urine for dropsy, without disrupting their potassium levels.{Dropsy/Edema: An old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water. }

The doctors said that he examined the patients’ livers with ultrasound before the study began, and he found out that the livers of fifteen out of the twenty-five were in a cirrhotic state, and some of them had developed cirrhosis of the liver as the result of bilharzia. All of the patients responded to treatment with camel’s urine, and some of them continued, by their own choice, to drink a dose of camel’s urine every day for a further two months. At the end of that time, they were all found to have been cured of cirrhosis of the liver.

They suggested that the best type of camels for using the urine as a remedy are young camels.

Dr. Ahlaam al-‘Awadi, a specialist in microbiology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, supervised some scientific papers that dealt with her discoveries in the usage of camel’s urine for medical treatment. During her supervision of the paper by Manaal al-Qattaan, she succeeded in confirming the effectiveness of using a preparation made from camel’s urine which was the first antibiotic produced in this manner anywhere in the world. Concerning the features of this new product, Dr. Ahlaam said:

It is not costly, and it is easy to manufacture. It can be used to treat skin diseases such as eczema, allergies, sores, burns, acne, nail infections, cancer, hepatitis and dropsy with no harmful side effects.

And she said:

Camel’s urine contains a number of healing factors such as antibiotics (bacteria that are present in it, salts and urea). The camel possesses an immune system that is highly equipped to combat funguses, bacteria and viruses, because it contains antibodies. It may also be used to treat blood clots and fibrinolytics may be derived from it, and it may be used to treat dropsy (which is caused by a deficiency in albumen and potassium, as camel’s urine is rich in both). Camel’s urine may also provide a remedy for abdominal complaints, especially those of the stomach and intestines, as well as asthma and shortness of breath. It caused a noticeable reduction in patients’ sugar levels. It is a remedy for low libido, and it aids in bone growth in children and in strengthening the heart muscles. It may be used as a cleansing agent for cleaning wounds and sores, especially the urine of young she-camels. It also helps the hair to grow and become strong and thick, and it helps to prevent hair loss and baldness, and can be used to treat dandruff. Camel’s urine may also be used to combat disease by using bacteria extracted from it.
Camel’s urine may also be used to treat the digestive system and to treat some cases of cancer. She stated that the research that she had undertaken on camel’s urine proved that it was effective in destroying micro-organisms such as fungus, yeast and bacteria.

Allah calls upon us to ponder the creation of the camel, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Do they not look at the camels, how they are created?”

This pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even to the inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we have discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the camel.


  1. never heard such things moreover here in India all they are talking about now is Swami Agnivesh's urine....:))

    and bathing in Cow urine is a news for me here...never heard about that....

  2. You have stolen a photo from, which is protected by the DMCA of 1998. The original URL for the photo is here: You are being reported for photo theft and will be sent a bill (with penalty) for prohibited usage of another's protected property. Karen A. King,

  3. Thank you Karen for doing the service..I thought I was making the camel popular.....Im deleting the foto,hope it puts you at ease.

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    1. Natasha.....I had copy pasted that image from a website and removed it later on...but incase you are interested in the picture...this is the page :-
      The original URL for the photo is here:

  5. More stupid idiot thoughts from islamics with LOW IQ from their breeding practices. The thing is they spread these lies and people believe sad


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