Free time....anyone !

Have you ever stepped into someone's home and gone," Yuck ! What does this woman do all day? Why does it feel and look like rot exploded into a mushroom cloud ! "

A house is a woman's domain.Everyone says so right ! A husband is not expected to keep the place squeaky clean or a dad is not expected to do diapering and cleaning dirty stinky baby tushies.At least In our part of the world,all this is very much still a woman's job.She may be working a 9 hour job but she is still expected to come home and cook and serve the kids and family.Now a woman in this position,I think has an excuse for untidy rooms and closets and what not !

But a housewife, what about a housewife.A woman who has the whole house to her self 24/7.What about her? I have always come across arguments between women who say that woman who manage job and home have it hard while a housewife has too much time to do many things.

I watched this episode where a housewife's schedule was closely observed.The woman had 3 kids age 8,4 and 1.She woke up in the morning,woke the kids,made sure they brushed their teeth,freshened up,visited the loo,changed diapers and then she made proper breakfast.Not the readymade kind like cereals.She made pancakes and eggs and fresh juice.SHe packed their bags ,their lunchboxes,put them in the car,took them to school.She then went to the supermarket,shopped for diapers and vegetables and came straight home to make lunch and again do the baby things.(diapers,feeding in between,clothes,his playing around.)Then she went to pick her kids up,gave them homemade lunches and dropped them at their extra curricular activities.She waited through for that hour and then she brought them back home,gave them showers,did their homework with them,made dinner,served it,changed them into night clothes,read them stories and put them to bed.Meanwhile ,she had to manage her never ending laundry,the baby,give time to her husband and check up with the accounts and stuff.She did all the cleaning up,washing up,showered and was in bed after putting the baby to sleep by 11pm.

Now I dont know about how things are in India because I never got a chance to observe.I wont talk about people who live in villages and work in fields.I have seen it first hand and people hardly have time when they are into farming and stuff.Its a very busy life coz they dont always have the latest amenities.

I would like to know about your schedule.

I didnt write mine.Mine is pretty simple.I have oodles of time and somedays I have to take a time out for a breather.Im a bit too organised for my own good.It irritates everyone but I cant seem to help it.I can have nightmares even during a 102'c fever if I know theres an unwashed cup in the sink.I mop floors daily and how I know its clean,when I can see the reflection of the wall over it.The toilet has to smell like a rainforest or else,it could be 3am in the morning and you can hear me washing down the entire loo.Im a barefoot kind of person,when I walk on the floor,it should feel cold to the touch or else,you'll find me wiping the floor.If anything I wear has a sweat stain coming on,I'll change.If I see them on my hsuabnd's clothes,I'll nag till he changes.To cut it all short,I think Im a bit obsessed and compelled in such matters.Its not borerline OCD but in simple words,my husband're crazy darling ! At first,we had a shouting match over such trivial things but when he sees me twisting and turning in my bed,he gives up and goes along with it. Anything to keep the old hag from going nuts I guess. Or indicative of some underlying problem.I have always been like this since I was a kid.Got it from my mom.She aimed at being perfect and so do I.


  1. Hey Monica!
    Reminded me of an episode from Friends. Chandler in the middle of the night wants to make love, Monica is too tired. He threatens her with going to the kitchen & she is up in a jerk. The very thought of him in the kitchen is enough to shock her into life. That’s how much she is into cleanliness & everything.
    same pinch suz


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