How to Take Professional Photographs - Without the Expensive Equipment Shaun Emerson , As a photographer I have had many people who've been astonished at some of the photos I have taken with a point-and-shoot camera. So to help out all of those people who are aspiring photographers, or those who just wish to take better photos, I have composed a small list of tricks that can make even the most amateur photographer's photos look like that of a professional. Know Your Camera First off, you're going to need a good camera, there is no way around it. You can't expect to take good photos with a cheap camera you paid fifty or sixty dollars for. And certainly don't expect that you're going to be able to do well using a cellphone camera either. Expect to spend at least $100 on a decent enough camera. Of course, the only kind of camera I will cover here, is the digital camera, as most people no longer use film cameras. The higher MP ...