Before anyone starts saying,"Oh gosh,a religious propaganda." I just want to say...if read closely,you will notice that the summary of it all,is the same in all religions. I'm thankful for everything that I have in my life,be it my diseases,wealth,health or life.Its taken a lot to come to a point in my life when I don't cry over it but I'm grateful as this is what is intended to be and al Hamdullilah ,I'm happy for everything. Many of us take things for granted either ways.Whether we are blessed,have no problems and therefore,forget to be thankful as we assume ,its all because of our luck,our brain and our doing .But it isn't!There is a supreme being who does things we cant explain.Its actually how you have your take on certain situations.Some of us feel we are have been cursed and what not and sometimes ,if you think of it from a different perspective,its all happening for your own good.It may take a few hours,days or years to realise it but somet...