Fighting my Demons


© Laura R

Published: October 2015

Here on my arm lies a mark that I made.

When I was so low, I cut with a blade

To punish my body for being a mess,

Though here is my testament, I must confess...

That seeing these scars left on my arms, legs, and chest

Makes me realize I was in a place of no rest;

I feel guilty inside for leaving this token.

Now I will see and remember that I was so broken.

But seeing these scars helps me see

That I survived so much trauma and now I am free.

So I ask you now to stand with me and fight,

To show all these demons what they're doing is not right.

You won the battle of good versus bad.

You are still alive and are no longer sad.

Here on my arm lies a mark of survival.

I got through my hate and beat my self-rival.



Demons Of Darkness
© Olivia B

Published: September 2015

She stood on the bridge 
In silence and fear
For the demons of darkness
Had driven her here

They cut her heart 
Right out of her chest
Making her believe 
That the demons knew best 

They were always there
Sometimes just out of sight
Waiting in the background 
till the time was right 

These demons were destructive 
Knocking down the life she knew 
Hating everything about her
She hated herself too

These demons can't be seen
But they're far from fairy tales 
They live inside your mind 
Their evilness prevails 

So on the bridge, she stood
About to end the fight
Then she stopped and thought
I'll fight them one more night




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